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Building a Social Media Presence

For years, quality inventory and a friendly attitude were all your store needed to get noticed. Today, online engagement is increasingly ranked alongside in-store customer service when it comes to promoting your business.  Many shoppers turn to social media profiles to determine if a store is trustworthy before they even come in. If you don’t have an active profile, they may think...

An Introduction To Local SEO

As a small business with an e-commerce site, one of the most important things you can do to get noticed is to advertise locally. Whether you’re the only pet shop in the city or town, it is important that you do everything in your control to attract the most desirable customers- your neighbors. To do this, you must make sure that you optimize your site so that it is relevant to your audience. Here...

An Introduction to Email Re-Marketing

Many retailers wonder what happens when a user with intent to buy browses their site and leaves. Do you lose that potential customer forever? The answer is: not if you have an email marketing strategy. Normally, if a user visits your site and bounces without leaving their email, the only way to get them back to your site is to pay to market to them again (through channels like Criteo, Facebook...

Up Close and Personal with Pet Store Websites

Pet Store Websites is our go-to resource for setting up an optimized e-commerce site. Many of you like the idea of e-commerce capabilities but don’t know where to start when it comes to website development. To answer all your questions, we sat down with Keegan, Pet Store Websites CEO, and got his inside scoop. Endless Aisles: What is the first thing you tell retailers when they come to...

Helpful E-commerce Terms to Know for Your Online Store

Many of you have heard e-commerce terms like “conversion rate”, “landing page” and “cart abandonment”. Yet, there’s a lot of jargon out there that isn’t as self-explanatory.   For your benefit, we have defined a few basic terms that will come up as you begin to run your online store.   Conversion Rate: This is the percentage of visitors to your site who end up purchasing...

Special Ordering with Endless Aisles

Regardless of your familiarity with ordering online, we wanted to make your experience as seamless and easy as possible by sharing some helpful tips. Today, when your customer asks for something you don’t have in stock, the standard answer is “I don’t have it here now—but I can order it for you to pick up next week”. There are a few problems with this situation: Your customer doesn’t get the...

Auto-Ship: What It Is & Why You Should Care

Auto-Ship is great for you and your customers

Many of you have experienced some type of subscription business before; whether it was a subscription to your favorite magazine, your internet service provider, or more recently your meal kit delivery like HelloFresh or Blue Apron. Many of you probably don’t even think about the fact that you’re on a subscription and are just happy to get what you want, when you want. Subscription is great for...

Why We Built Endless Aisles

Serve them when they shop online

We’re very excited about the launch of Endless Aisles at SuperZoo last month. We already have 100’s of retailers interested in using the platform, and are well underway in getting many up and running this month. We wanted to share a bit more on why we think Endless Aisles is important for all independent pet retailers, independent pet brands, and why we decided to build Endless Aisles as a...

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